Construction in Koh Samui
Building a private villa on Samui is a well-known and rewarding option to invest in Samui for a foreigner. Construction and materials costs are still low compared with westerns countries and sourcing the experienced companies to guarantee westerner quality result is what you have to accomplish. This is where contacting Samui Marvel Properties can save you time and give you piece of mind. Here in Samui, construction is a national sport, everywhere you go to your supermarket to the restaurant or simply to one of the many bars you will end up with a builder! It can be very difficult to take decision to choose the right company once friendship and all the so called expert start to tell you the “how they are the best”.
At Samui Marvel properties we believe in Knowledge and experience, correct equipment and manpower with a good management is the decision maker. Of course let’s talk about budget, the actual cost of building your Koh Samui properties can vary enormously from simple to double.
So why is that?

Well first of all your selection of material, if you need a simple floating parquet or 90 year old teak wood floor, sectioning the material at a low level can lower your cost build it will lower the overall quality and think about it, the resale price, without forgetting the rental daily rate as an investment those parameter have to be well planned before you decide start even thinking about price. Remember that here in Asia the standard quality is often measured below the institutionalized occidental standards. So what is that range of price that everyone is talking about, it can go from as low at 15,000 Thb to 55,0000 Thb per sq.m, wow such a difference. What is the correct price ? They are all correct it does all depend on what you will accept what are your expectations regarding materiel and design. What do you really want to build like Koh Samui Villa.

Shortcuts on beam dimension, steel frame, insolation materials and the list is long, we can add to the topic, delay in construction, none respect of the building norms, illegal Burmese migrant labor often underpaid and so no real motivation and responsibility on their work, lack of organization with local sub-contractor and so on… Scary would you say, we agree but this is your choice if you bargain to hard the local builders will take the job but make you pay for what you ask there is no real magic in that, the local samui builder won’t lose money, if you pay 20,000 thb per Sq.m don’t expect to have one of those featured villa that you see on all the top end website like we have on .

Attention to details is what you need to look for this is what will determinate the value of your building you need a team with serious and rigorous standards and this is the man that manage the company that will deliver a correct management, you have to pay for it.
An alternative to that would be to hire an external project manager or pay for a follow up service like we can propose. If all goes to plan which rarely does if you intend to go on the low cost side with no external services that could deeply affect the price of your house. Do you want your house to be built in westerner standard with Koh samui builder that follow your wishes or you decide to have it done in a Thai preference mind? With no foreigner input you will get the so called “Thai style”. We often say that when the cost is low the headaches are high.
Choosing wisely is the smart choice for your investment in Samui and the built of your dream villa in Samui keep in mind that if you do it the right way your Samui villa could end up been valuated at three time it’s construction cost . We now have a dedicated website for our client that wish to have more information about Koh Samui Construction . Please click on this link :

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